Hidden Twitter #Music Feature


Digging around Music.Twitter.com, I stumbled across an interesting little feature that doesn’t appear to show up or be connected to anything else.

Adding the ‘instant’ tag after an artist name in the URL gives you similar artists, creating a really good playlist that almost mimics Pandora. For example if you visit music.twitter.com/jtimberlake it shows you that Justin is following 1 artist, Blake Shelton, but if you add ‘instant’ to the end like this music.twitter.com/jtimberlake/instant, it creates this playlist of similar artists to Justin Timberlake.

This hack seems to work with most artists, though some provide fewer results than others. This may be some kind of upcoming feature or one that didn’t ship for whatever reason, but regardless, it creates a pretty killer playlist for those looking for that sort of thing.

Or better yet, visit music.twitter.com/LordHuron/instant and discover some good music.

If you have any further info on the feature, don’t hesitate to get in touch.


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