ReadyMag And The Future Of Publishing

The lightweight, clean, and minimalist results provided by ReadyMag should have other publishing systems more than a little nervous.

Below is a test magazine I made. That’s right, it’s embedded in this post. Try it on a computer, on a phone or tablet. It’s scary how quick and simple the experience scales up or down fitting your device.

Everything that ReadyMag is offering, the ability to create lightweight, cross platform magazines that can be sold, is such an attractive offering.

Although the results can be stunning, as shown in the introduction videos, you still need a little patience to create something worth sharing around. The tools are simple and mostly straightforward, but there is a roughness in manipulating objects exactly how you want them to appear. The current offering of templates also still requires the user have some inkling of design talent, creativity, and imagination. So, unless you have some sense of design and layout in your blood, it’ll probably take longer than you’re expecting to craft a publication.

If nothing else, ReadyMag should give the vision to people of what the future of reading and creating magazines could be. Based on what the small team has already accomplished with a closed beta, I wouldn’t bet against them. In fact, I don’t see them being independent for too long before being scooped up by a bigger company.


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