Music Tip Sheet Vol. 4

Here’s your new music tip sheet. Personal recommendations from one person to another.

With the release of their newest single, “Dreaming”, Smallpools is on the cusp breaking big. Take notice.

Often ambient and electronic, Halfnoise combine some of the best traits of Radiohead and Sigur Rós into one tempting package.

The drummer from Now, Now has a side project called Sombear. Sombear’s new single “Love You In The Dark” is a thick, moody jam that comes charging like a train.

Don’t let your preconceived notions get in the way of enjoying some good music. Go “Get The Girl Back”.


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If You’re Still A Victim Of Music Piracy, You’re Doing It Wrong

Talking about music piracy has become an exercise in self deprecation, an emotional argument that never seems to end. I understand that music piracy was a real issue, it hurt a lot of people, and it still exists, but we’re now at the... Continue →