Here Are The Next Animojis Apple Should Add

Animoji, iPhone X’s face-detecting emoji, were a question mark in people’s mind until #AnimojiKaraoke hit and everything made sense.

If you look through the current 12 options for Animoji currently, each has its strengths and weaknesses, in terms of facial expressions–for example the robot displays the least emotion.

Which emoji should Apple let people animate with their faces? Here are my picks.

Lion, Chick, Creepy Clown, Ghost, Fish, and Whale.

Obviously there are some choices which seem more likely, like the Koala, or Bear, but those feel really close to other cute, furry creatures. I think ones like the Lion, Clown, Ghost, and Fish, are some of the most popular emojis, and add some diversity in situations Animoji might be sent.



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