The Lone Bellow - Self Titled

Zach Williams released his solo album, ‘Story Time’, in 2009. I have been eagerly awaiting a follow up from him to satisfy my need for unique and infinitely building melodies. At some point I may have that next solo album, but until then the new record from The Lone Bellow, fronted by Mr. Williams, will completely satisfy.

The instrumentation and slight country swagger in Williams’ voice would have most labeling the trio a Folk group. And while it’s foolish to debate genre, The Lone Bellow carry themselves in a timeless Rock fashion. Like Rock ‘n Roll of the 1950’s or ‘60’s, the self titled album is unassuming, unaware, and full of heart. Each song is story, told eloquently and precisely.

There are songs that you can grab on to from the opening lines, but in general the time you pour into the music will be rewarded with a deeper appreciation. “Tree To Grow” is a steady builder that might seem to hit its stride ¾ of the way in, only to break free and send your spirit soaring. The collection of songs is filled with similar experiences, bits of beauty that cover other bits of beauty.

Impossible to sum up in so few words, The Lone Bellow have created an album that will live on beyond this generation or the next. Songs that many will call “perfect.”


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